Since these
are new issues, Muslim physicians, have dire need for recommendations from
the guiding principles of Qur’ān, the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Qur’ān
33:36) and opinions of past and contemporary Muslim scholars. Thus, IMANA
decided to make position papers which will be available to those who seek
our positio opinion in order to and pursue further reading on their own. The
position papers are only suggestions on behalf of IMANA and are not to be
considered Fatwa(s) (religious decree) which has a legal religious binding.
The members of ethics committee are not in a position to issue a Fatwa on
any of the issues which we are writing on behalf of IMANA. However, from
time to time, on a need basis, we do consult Muslim scholars to have for
their opinion. The position papers will be revised from time to time as new
questions arise from advances in medical technology. These position papers
are are and will be available to be read and downloaded from internet at
at no cost. |