We use
the statistical package Stata for the illustration. Readers can use other software packages. Five Stata commands are used: infile group futime number size
rectime using c:\data\tumor.dat (this
command reads the data)
gen fail=1 if rectime!=. (create censoring indicator value=1 if recurrence
replace fail=0 if rectime==.(replace censoring indicator value=0 if no recurrence)
replace rectime=futime if rectime==.(replace missing censor time by follow-up time)
stset rectime, failure(fail)(declare the data as survival data).
One subject with zero follow-up time was
automatically excluded by Stata 's stset command. User of other software may need to remove this subject
explicitly. A censored case with zero follow-up time is not informative. A failure at time
zero is not logical: one fails at least a very short while after getting started. |