The data are from the first 100 participants in
the Prison Methadone study.
The proportions of participants in treatment at 1-month post-release are:
-Counseling only, 9%
-Counseling+ Transfer, 42%
-Counseling + Methadone, 65%
Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests found that there were significant
differences between Counseling Only and Counseling+Methadone (p<.001) and
Counseling+Transfer (p<.01).
The proportion of participants testing positive for opiates are:
-Counseling only, 76%
-Counseling + Transfer, 50%
-Counseling + Methadone, 34%
Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests found significant differences between
Counseling Only and Counseling + Methadone (p<.05).
Preliminary Analysis: Tim Kinlock, et al., 2006
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