The Supercourse has had a long history. It was originally developed
under grants from NASA and then the National Library of Medicine (NIH).
It is one of the highest rated web sites today. We have had
consider scientific interest with
publications in Science, Nature, PNAS.
We have published several papers with Arab/Muslim investigators
on the importance of a Supercourse for Arab Science, and Islamic Health.
There has been numerous technologic awards with our site being
rated in the top 100 in PC magazine and identified as one of the top web
sites in Science by Science Mag.
If one examines Arabic Language Sites, many of our lectures are the tops
in health as well. Also, within
OIC countries there is considerable usage, with many having this as the
primary site for lecture about health and prevention.
The Supercourse has provided free sharing of prevention knowledge
across OIC countries, as well as between the US and OIC countries, and
world wide.