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Other relevant position:
National expert for chemicals and health
of Editorial Board of EuroSurveillance
Previous experience: 2000 - 2002 - Director, National Public Health Institute (Republic Institute for Health Protection), 1998 - 2000 - Deputy-Director, Health Center “Skopje”, 1994 - 1998 - Director, National Public Health Institute (Republic Institute for Health Protection), 1983 - 1994 - Chief of the Department for planning and organization, Institute for Occupational Health, 1980 - 1982 - Industrial physician, Institute for Occupational Health. Other relevant positions: 2007 - Visiting Professor, Erasmus Mundus Europubhealth Master Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 2007 - Visiting professor, Erasmus Mundus Europubhealth Master Studies, University of Krakow, Poland, 2006 - NATO Partner Country Co-director, Advanced Study Institute, Science for Peace and Security Program, 2004 - Study visit, Braun School of Public Health, Jerusalem, Israel 2003 - Study visit, Bordeaux and Bilbao, Preparation of New Curricula in the Field of Environmental and Occupational Health, 2003 - Study visit, Stanford University, USA, Environmental and Occupational Health Services, Risk assessment, 2002 - Professor, Medical Faculty, Courses: Environmental and Occupational health; Occupational Health 2002 - Professor, School of Dentistry, Course: Medical Ecology, 2000 - Professor, School for Education, Courses: Preschool Hygiene; School Hygiene, 1997 - Associate Professor, Medical faculty, Course: Hygiene and Occupational Health, 1990 - Assistant Professor, Medical faculty, Course: Hygiene, Social Medicine and Occupational Health, 1985 - Assistant, Medical Faculty, Topic: Hygiene, Social Medicine and Occupational Health. Specialization: (i) main field Occupational Health (ii) other fields Risk Analysis Public Health Accreditation criteria, quality assurance, ISO/IEC standards(ISO 9000, ISO 45000 and ISO17025), Global Survey - Disease surveillance, Detection and Response page 2 of CV Epidemiology, Medical Statistics, Health Indicators and Data Presentation System Food Safety and Control, Codex Alimentarius and HACCP (iii) current research interest Chemical, biological and radiological risk assessment; rapid detection of CBR agents, susceptibility of population; biological monitoring; health impact assessment; public health preparedness and response; bioterrorism; pandemic flu; climate change; food safety and control. |