So my observations - keep what you’ve got whether than
hoping to get back once you’ve lost it. Be socially active; I think we have pretty good
evidence that it enhances both emotional status and our cognitive status as we do it
throughout life. Engage in novel real-life mental activity throughout life. And one thing
that most of the literature missed that I kept questioning is I think our emphasis needs
to be on activity and behavior that reduces disability of our aging population and
improves everyday function. As you probably kind of got that sense that even as we go
through the longitudinal studies as well as the kind of cross-sectional studies, people
are focused on test outcome. Very few people talk about level of function or level of
disability which is what of course, I really want for the people that I see. I want them
to have a better life. I really don’t care that much how they’re just doing on my
tests. It is kind of scientifically interesting but I really want to get beyond that to
the issue of reducing disability. I’m not sure we’ve done that yet.
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