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Identification: (age,
city, literacy, marital status). Obstertric history: (pregnancies, abortions, deliveries, live born, death born, cesarean delivery, previous newborns <2.500 grs, previous twins, last pregnant date). Pregnancy data:usual weight, height, last menstrual period date, doubts on that, tetanous toxoid vaccination date, Rh factor, smoking, number of prenatal visits; date, gestational age and weight at first and last prenatal visits. Labour and delivery: day of admittance, gestational age, presentation, fetal size, onset labour, integral membranes, method of delivery (spontaneous, forceps, cesarean), date of delivery, cause of cesarean delivery. Mother: pathology of the mother during pregnancy. Newborn: infant record, sex, weight, lenght, head circumference, gestational age by physical exam, weight for gestational age, apgar at 1th and 5th minutes , resucitation, physical exam, neonatal problems, rooming in, date, food and weight at discharge. |