The linkage
between toxicology and epidemiology was conceptualized briefly in the first lecture, and
further substantiated in this and the last two lectures. For some toxicologist and
epidemiologist practitioners, perhaps the best approach to convincing them about the close
relationship between toxicology and epidemiology is through use of historical cases.In
the next two lectures, that on toxicologic side of epidemiology and on epidemiologic side
of toxicology, a total of six (6) cases will be described in depth to illustrative this
point. The point is that in many instances both toxicologists and epidemiologists have
been working in one way or another to pursue or fulfill more or less the same study goals.
It is important to note, however, that the distinction made in the next two lectures
between the two sides is more a gimmick of drawing the student’s attention, than a
representation of the reality. For each of these six cases and others not discussed, there
is some truth that one side might have initiated or dominated the historical events or
activities, but that would be pretty much the extent of the distinction.