Indications: Patients with acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukemia may benefit
from BMT. Patients with acute myeloid leukemia transplanted in first remission can now
expect an approximately 50 to 60% likelihood of long-term disease-free survival. Similar
probabilities are also achievable after transplantation of adults with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia in first remissions. Probability of relapse correlates with remission status at
the time of the transplant, ranging from 20% in first remission to 60% with more advanced
disease. Long-term survival for patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia who receive BMT
in the phase of remission is 60 to 70%. Pediatric BMT has expanded because of its
potential for curing children with genetic diseases (eg, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia,
immunodeficiencies, inborn errors of metabolism). |