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مصادر متعلقة بالندوة

  •  مصادر تتعلق بالتاريخ والتصميمات

    • Book History Online
    • Typography & Civilisation
    • Movable metal type
    • Bulaq Press
    • Arabic Typography (Tarek Atrissi)
    • Armenian printing & engraving
    • Spread of Hebrew Printing
    • Early Hebrew Printing
    • Bibliotheca Arabica of C.F. Schnurrer (1811): full text online
    • Bibliotheca Orientalis of J.T. Zenker (1846-61): full text online
    • American Arabic printing (M. Krek, 1994)
    • Early Arabic printing (M. Albin, 1990-91)
    • Arabic type evolution since the 1930s
    • Afghanistan Digital Library

  • إصدارات مطبوعة أو ميكرفيلم

    • Published papers from the first Symposium (Mainz 2002) 
    •  Exotic types
    • Beginnings of the press in the Near East 
    •  Books and reading in the Ottoman world
    • Arabic block printed amulets
    • Koran Printing in the West, 1537-1857
    • Medici Oriental Press, Rome: Typographia Medicea
    • History of printing in the Arab East
    • Arabic lithographed books
    • Publishing and intellectual life in republican Egypt 
    • Beirut and Arab publishing 
    • The press in the Arab Middle East
    • Al-Muqtataf and its public
    • Arabic typography
    • Typographic matchmaking 
    •  Hebrew & Judaeo-Arabic printing in Baghdad 
    •  Narrative illustration in Persian lithographed books 
    •  Typography of Syriac
    • Müteferrika Press: Turkish incunabula
    • History of the Turkish press

  • المتاحف ومجموعات الحروف المطبعية

    • Press Museum in Istanbul - Turkey 
    •  Printing Museum in Leipzig - Germany
    • German Book and Writing Museum, Leipzig
    • Gutenberg Museum in Mainz - Germany
    • Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp - Belgium
    • Printing Museum in Lyon - France 
    •  Safeguard the heritage of the Imprimerie Nationale (France) 
    •   Type Museum in London - Great Britain 
    • Bodoni Museum in Parma - Italy

  • المكتبات وأمناء المكتبات

    •  Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Egypt 
    •  Gutenberg Library, Mainz - Germany
    • St Bride Printing Library in London - Great Britain 
    •  Arabic Printed Books at the British Library
    • Armenian collections at the British Library 
    •  Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, Amsterdam - Netherlands
    • Hebrew Printed Books at the British Library
    • Syriac collections at the British Library 
    •  Turkish and Turkic Printed Books at the British Library 
    •  European Association of the Middle East Librarians (MELCOM-International) 
    •  Middle East Librarians Association of North America 
    •  Middle East & North Africa Virtual Library (MENALIB) 
    •  Special Subject Collection: Middle East (Germany)

  • التجمعات والتنظيمات

    • Khatt Foundation: Centre for Arabic Typography
    • Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP)
    • Association Typographique Internationale
    • Unicode Consortium 
    •  Printing Historical Society - Great Britain
    • Institut d'histoire du livre
  • مصممو الحروف المطبعية

    • Sakkal Design
    • Hiba Studio (Arabic fonts)
    • Pascal Zoghbi
    • Arabic Type (Nadine Chahine)