
LYM Session - 13 December 2009
13 December 2009

Our last meeting started with Dr. Salah Soliman welcoming the attendees and asking them about the main topics which occupy most people’s minds these days. He demonstrated how topics like football is getting an increasing attention among young people and how this should be better utilized for the good of our country. He also discussed with the attendees the Copenhagen Summit and how youth should be taking action and play a vital role in exerting pressure on their nations’ leaders to decrease the industrial emissions which -unless decreased- would threaten the future generations’ existence. He encouraged youth to face corruption everywhere and to take positive actions whenever they see something wrong.

Then, Abdel Aziz Fathy gave a presentation entitled “Self Learning”. He began the presentation by a video showing some students talking about the difficulties facing them in their education. After that, he started a comparison between the formal education and self-learning and how we tend to act in each process, he also compared between formal and private education; attitude of the learner, methods and resources used, goal and evaluation of each type. He also discussed the different knowledge sources available nowadays (books, internet and people’s experiences) and displayed a video about digital information and how everyone now has access to knowledge thanks to the internet. Finally, he showed how some useful habits like watching news, looking up new words and joining discussions can help one acquire knowledge and educate himself and thus enabling him be a unique person and build an extraordinary career.