Culture for Development Directory

Culture as a vector for development?

Van Graan, Mike | 2011
  • Author(s): Van Graan, Mike
  • Publisher: Hivos
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: culture, development
This note discusses the contribution of culture for sustainable development and the achievement of national development objectives and internationally agreed development goals.

Culture and development : ARTerial network seminar series introductory paper

Van Graan, Mike | 2009
  • Author(s): Van Graan, Mike
  • Publisher: ARTerial network
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: culture, development, civil society, africa
This discussion paper on the theme of culture and development introduces the topic, looks at its relevance to African conditions (if at all), to encourage debate and work towards a civil society response to the topic and make concrete recommendations for Arterial Network to pursue on the theme.

Matsulu : a community in developmental fermentation and fusion

Visser, Johan and Terblanche, Rian | 2006
  • Author(s): Visser, Johan and Terblanche, Rian
  • Publisher: Northwest university. Vaal Triangle faculty]
  • Pages: 391--408
  • Keywords: theatre, development, performing arts, south africa
The Drama Department (University of Pretoria) engages in the development and execution of Theatre-for-Development projects in accordance with the mission statement of the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT). This paper should be seen as research in progress.

Can we make a difference? : museums, society and development in North and South

Voogt, Paul | cop. 2008
  • Author(s): Voogt, Paul
  • Publisher: KIT
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: museums, cultural and social anthropology, cultural heritage, education, community participation, museology, netherlands, bolivia, sweden, turkey, zambia, africa, mali, ghana, botswana, kalimantan, indonesia
In ten papers young museum professionals from around the world discuss the ‘crisis of the ethnographic museum’. What is the relevance of these former colonial museums in today’s society? Can they make a difference? The papers show that these museums still do.

Dead-end-road or turn-table between yesterday and tomorrow ? : new aims for museums

Wild, Beate | 2003
  • Author(s): Wild, Beate
  • Publisher: International committee for museums and collections of ethnography (ICME)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: museology
What are the challenges for museums today? Are they still institutions who preserve the past or are they contemporary centres which are actively involved in making history? These questions are explored in this paper.

About this portal

The portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on culture for development. It is also an unique entry point for all other internet resources, including newsletters, discussion groups, websites, bibliographic databases, and directories of organizations and projects. Our ambition is to provide (almost) full coverage on the aforementioned themes.