Rural Innovation Systems

Knowledge, innovation and re-inventing technical assistance for development

Wilson, Gordon | 2006
  • Author(s): Wilson, Gordon
  • Publisher: The Open university. Research centre on innovation, knowledge and development (IKD)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development assistance, technical co-operation, development strategies, innovations
Does the terminology change from technical assistance to technical co-operation, knowledge management and innovation systems represent reframing of practice? The paper argues that a further epistemological turn is needed.

Towards a farmer-governed approach to agricultural research for development : lessons from international experiences with local innovation suppport funds

Wongtschowski, Mariana | 2010]
  • Author(s): Wongtschowski, Mariana
  • Publisher: ETC foundation [etc.
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, finance, governance, small farms
Novel mechanisms for funding agricultural research for development aim at giving small farmers a central role in deciding what types of innovation they want to explore and develop and how to do this. Experiences of Prolinnova with one such mechanism, the Local Innovation Support Fund, are reported.

Connecting people to catalyze African agricultural innovations : Regional agricultural information and learning systems (RAILS)

Wopereis-Pura, Myra | 2009
  • Author(s): Wopereis-Pura, Myra
  • Publisher: Forum for agricultural research in Africa (FARA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural extension, information systems, information technology, agricultural innovations, technological change, popular participation, small farms, research centres, africa south of sahara, east africa, west africa, southern africa, north africa
FARA's (Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa) Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems (RAILS) aims to improve access to information and the ability of African stakeholders to contribute to global agricultural knowledge.

\"From idea into action\" : the implementation and metamorphosis of the BDS concept

Wنltring, Frank and Bolster, Peter | 2006
  • Author(s): Wنltring, Frank and Bolster, Peter
  • Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: enterprise development, small enterprises, marketing, development assistance, development strategies, organizational change
The metamorphosis of thinking in the development community over the last 10 years shows that development organizations such as GTZ can make the shift to market-oriented approaches to enterprise development.

Bringing farmers together

Zake, Joshua and Walaga, Charles and Jager, André de | 2005
  • Author(s): Zake, Joshua and Walaga, Charles and Jager, André de
  • Publisher:
  • Pages: 26--27
  • Keywords: agricultural training, nonformal education, plant nutrition, small farms, social development, organizational change, farmers associations, east africa, uganda
By taking part in Farmer Field Schools on integrated nutrient management, farmers in Uganda improve their cropping practices, strengthen social relations, and establish community-based organizations.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).