Rural Innovation Systems

Participatory decision-making : the core of multi-stakeholder collaboration

Kaner, Sam and Watts, Jamie and Frison, Emile | 2008
  • Author(s): Kaner, Sam and Watts, Jamie and Frison, Emile
  • Publisher: Institutional learning and change initiative (ILAC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, innovations, co-operation between organizations, popular participation, farmers
The basic rationale and essential characteristics of multi-stakeholder collaboration are outlined and several time-tested tools and procedures that can be implemented in a straightforward manner are presented.

Gender, social capital and information exchange in rural Uganda

Katungi, Enid and Edmeades, Svetlana and Smale, Melinda | 2006
  • Author(s): Katungi, Enid and Edmeades, Svetlana and Smale, Melinda
  • Publisher: International food policy research institute (IFPRI) : for CGIAR systemwide program on collective action and property rights (CAPRi)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: social development, rural areas, gender, information exchange, technology transfer, east africa, uganda
This article examines how endowments of social capital influence information exchange, paying close attention to gender differences. Findings demonstrate that men generally having better access to social capital than women.

Networking for learning : the human face of knowledge management?

Keijzer, Niels and Ornemark, Charlotte and Engel, Paul | 2006
  • Author(s): Keijzer, Niels and Ornemark, Charlotte and Engel, Paul
  • Publisher: European centre for development policy management (ECDPM)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development strategies, innovations, information exchange, institution building, rural development
The potentials and limitations of networking for learning are outlined. Drawing on materials shared through the Pelican Initiative, this brief identifies some entry points for policy-makers and development practitioners.

Private capacity and public failure : contours of livestock innovation response capacity in Kenya

Keskin, Ekin | 2008
  • Author(s): Keskin, Ekin
  • Publisher: United nations university (UNU). Maastricht economic and social research and training centre on innovation and technology (MERIT)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: livestock industry, innovations, capacity building, private sector, international trade, domestic trade, africa south of sahara, east africa, kenya
A case study was conducted of two livestock product companies in Kenya: Farmer's Choice and Kenchic. By developing links with international sources of knowledge and technology the sector responded rapidly to different challenges.

Forging partnerships with innovative farmers in Tanzania

Kibwana, O.T. | 2000
  • Author(s): Kibwana, O.T.
  • Publisher:
  • Pages: 9--11
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, popular participation, on-farm research, soil conservation, technology transfer, east africa, tanzania
Farmer innovations are identified, analysed, and documented by the Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC) Programme in Tanzania and a start made with farmer-to-farmer exchange and participatory technology development.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).