Rural Innovation Systems

Innovation theories : relevance and implications for developing countries

Léger, Andréanne and Swaminathan, Sushmita | [2006]
  • Author(s): Léger, Andréanne and Swaminathan, Sushmita
  • Publisher: German institute for economic research (DIW Berlin)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development policy, innovations, developing countries, development strategies, information dissemination, technological change
A conceptual framework for analysing innovation processes in developing countries is developed and implications are drawn for improving innovation policy. Special attention is given to capturing information and technological spillovers.

Informal traders lock horns with the formal milk industry : the role of research in pro-poor dairy policy shift in Kenya

Leksmono, Cokro | 2006
  • Author(s): Leksmono, Cokro
  • Publisher: Overseas development institute (ODI) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural product marketing, milk, small farms, private enterprises, development strategies, poverty alleviation, east africa, kenya
An analysis of policy changes during the Smallholder Dairy Project (1997-2005) in Kenya that intended to include both the formal and informal systems supplying milk to Nairobi.

Capacity for knowledge-based smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia : linking graduate programs to market-oriented agricultural development : challenges, opportunities and IPMS experience

Lemma Tefera, Tesfaye and Tegegne, Azage and Hoekstra, Dirk | cop. 2012
  • Author(s): Lemma Tefera, Tesfaye and Tegegne, Azage and Hoekstra, Dirk
  • Publisher: ILRI
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural development, education, research centres, universities and colleges, africa
Graduate Programs (GPs) in agriculture and allied disciplines in Ethiopia are expected to make concrete contributions towards a market-led and knowledge-based smallholder agricultural sector. Thus, strengthening capacities of the GPs and linking them to development deserve due policy attention.

Developing camel products : pastoralist women and PTD

Lemunyete, Laura | 2002
  • Author(s): Lemunyete, Laura
  • Publisher:
  • Pages: 20--21
  • Keywords: food preservation, technological innovations, research, popular participation, women, marketing, pastoralism, camels, veterinary medicine, east africa, kenya
Participatory Technology Development (PTD) research with women's groups in northern Kenya improved the preservation of meat and milk products, increased income and food security, and created a camel drug fund.

An innovation platform for small livestock in Botswana

Lindlow, Megan | 2011
  • Author(s): Lindlow, Megan
  • Publisher: RUFORUM. SCARDA
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, agricultural research, development projects, africa
Botswana's Small Stock Innovation Platform is one of the key tangible outcomes of the Strengthening Capacity in Agricultural Research for Development in Africa (SCARDA) programme, implemented in selected countries and institutions in all three sub-regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).