Exhibitions Archive

Discovery Zone 2007

Inaugurated in January 2007, the new main Discovery Zone exhibit area is where visitors can interact directly with the experiments on display and that are divided into five main themes.

DNA exhibition

TECHNOkids Corner

The Planetarium Science Center (PSC) and the Smart Integrated Solutions & Training have jointly implemented the TECHNOkids educational program at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The main objective of this program is to teach children, from preschool to high school, the essential IT skills of today to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Science Across the World - SAW

A non-profit organization, SEED (Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development) is a volunteer-based program, which provides a channel for members of Schlumberger’s workforce to share their expertise and passion for science, technology and learning with youth.

Under Water Archaeology

SEED Corner

RoboAlex Center

"From Earth to the Universe" Exhibition

The international year of astronomy (IYA) 2009 was a global endeavor, initiated by the international astronomical union and UNESCO; its aim was to raise the public awareness at large with strong emphasis on the youth of the great role of astronomy as a science.

Microscopes of Physics

A hands-on exhibition owned by INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics), Microscopes of Physics will be hosted at the BA ALEXploratorium for three months starting from 6 August. The exhibition aims to explain what is known about the infinitely small and the infinitely large, using the instruments adopted by physicists to investigate the two worlds. The exhibition, organized in four showrooms, contains interactive exhibits and simulations that were particularly suitable for secondary schoolchildren, and a special area is set aside for inter-disciplinary applications of nuclear and sub-nuclear physics.

News Center

Science Film Festival 2024