As the pace of life increases more and more, ways are created to help people use their time as productively as possible. One such way is to use the time usually spent waiting to get something done. Commuting back and forth for work takes a big chunk of our time, so instead of wasting time some companies have been developing ideas to use it to make profit and offer people a service. One such company is a grocery chain in South Korea; they decided to come up with a system to help subway commuters do their grocery shopping using their smartphones while waiting for the train. Knowing that South Koreans are technology savvy and are hard workers, they created a system where the commuter, using their smart phone can do their grocery shopping.
Big real life size pictures of grocery items, as seen in shops, were mounted and lit in subways, each product had its QR code next to it. The operation is quite simple, all you have to do is look at the shelves and rows of grocery, see what your needs are, and after deciding using your phone you scan the QR code and the product will be immediately added to your shopping cart on the grocery stores website. The groceries would then be delivered to your doorstep when you arrive from work, saving you the time you would have otherwise had to spend in a supermarket.
This simple idea was found appealing by commuters, and the online sales went up quickly proving that people do want to find alternative ways to save time and effort, and that technology is the agent which offers effective solutions.