Articles (Biology)

Personalized Medicine: Unlocking the Secrets of Individual Health
(Health and Diseases)

While we may share common experiences, such as exposure to the same virus, our individual responses can vary dramatically. 

Lighting Up Their Own World
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Even though humans cannot physically light up, other creatures that we share this Earth with can! While we cannot see in the dark, and therefore rely heavily on artificial light to help us see when night falls, some creatures have eyes that are built to help them see at night, while others have the ability to create their own light.

Brain Taste Buds
(Human Body)

When you order your favourite dessert, your brain can determine the taste of this mouth-watering sight without actually tasting it. This has paved the way for scientists in the last decade to determine how can the brain associate the sight to the taste without the tongue tasting it?

Artificial Blood: A New Medical Era
(Health and Diseases)

Medical research never ceases to find solutions for fixing harmed organs; however, one might have never thought that our blood could be replaced.

Senses and Memories
(Human Body)

Our five senses leave memory imprints on different parts of our brains to help us retain information later.

Biodiversity: Why Should We Care?
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Biodiversity is the very heart of our life. It is the extraordinary variety of living creatures and ecological communities growing and interacting with each other all over the world. 

Oh, If I Could Fly
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Birds are on the move as annual migration is an integral part of the avian life-cycle. They fly tens of thousands of kilometers in search for more convenient ecological conditions, safer habitats, food, and mating grounds. 

A Healthier Ramadan
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Ramadan is a great opportunity to boost health benefits related to fasting; so how could Ramadan serve as a chance toward a better lifestyle?

Facts and Myths of Pregnancy
(Human Body)

Every woman is thrilled when she learns that she is pregnant, but common misconceptions can help anxiety sneak into her.

The Lunar Effect: Fact or Fiction?
(Health and Diseases)

Some legends say that the full Moon brings out the worst in people, causing them to act strangely, but does it have this power?

Samia Eltemtamy: An Egyptian Scientist and Pioneer of Human Genetics
(Inventions and Innovations)

Children suffering from severe cases attracted Prof. Samia's attention, and she realized that genetics is the key to solving these mysteries.

What Do You Know about Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia)?
(Health and Diseases)

A neurological disorder causes a person to not recognize or distinguish faces; not related to memory loss, vision impairment or disabilities.

Human Chimeras: One Body, Two Individuals
(Human Body)

Normally, each person is born with one blood type and one set of DNA; but, is this always the case? There might be two or more individuals inhabiting your own body without you even knowing! 

Youssef and the Biological Clock
(Human Body)

The biological clock is responsible for major changes in our behavior, mood, and body functions; every cell have something similar to a clock.

You are What You Eat: Maintain Your Body
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Everything you put in your mouth is processed through the digestive system that help extract the nutrients and discard waste products.

Cancer: It is a Manmade Disease
(Health and Diseases)

Cancer is Manmade! Yes, cancer, mankind’s deadliest and most elusive enemy, was ironically created by humans as declared by a study.

Anesthesia: A Giant Leap for Humanity
(Health and Diseases)

In an operating room, an anesthesiologist injects a fluid in one of the patient’s veins, the latter loses consciousness; things were not that easy.

The Suffering of Scientists
(Inventions and Innovations)

The vast body of knowledge we enjoy today was not handed to us on a silver platter; it is the outcome of the suffering of many scientists.

Memories: To keep or not to keep
(Human Body)

A New Year, a new journal prompts to prepare for the future and reflect on the past year’s memories. We introduce how our brains store memories and recall them, and share small actions to cope with short-memory loss.

Caudal Regression Syndrome
(Health and Diseases)

As the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is set to end today, we recall its lavish opening ceremony and its extraordinary star Ghanim Al-Muftah, who has one of the rarest disorders known as caudal regression syndrome.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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