Articles (Medicine)

First Aid
(Health and Diseases)

First aid is the cure or treatment given to an injured or sick person before professional medical care arrives.

The Colors of Medication
(Health and Diseases)

With the introduction of soft and hard gelatin capsules in the 1960s, colors invaded the pharmaceutical industry and have since had a major medical and commercial role to play. 

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
(Health and Diseases)

Despite the bizarre name, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum is not a spell from the magical world of Harry Potter; it is a rare medical condition.

3D-Printed Vasculature Networks Created
(Health and Diseases)

Researchers in 3D printing technology have been actively attempting to come up with new methods to artificially create lifelike blood vessels.

​Bone Grafting
(Health and Diseases)

Technology has come such a long way that it has definitely entered all aspects of our lives; one of the fields that have developed by leaps and bounds is the medical field. 

​Viral Attenuation: The Art of Confusing a Virus
(Human Body)

Viruses are tricky; they sneak into the bodies of human beings unnoticed. While some viruses are merciful, other viruses are deadly.

Soil Compounds to Treat Tuberculosis
(Health and Diseases)

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that usually affects the lungs. It is the second biggest killer, globally; in 2015, 1.8 million people died of TB and an estimate of 10.4 million new cases was registered. 

Paleontology and Human Cancer Studies
(Health and Diseases)

While an estimated 14.1 million people in the world are living with cancer, the origins of the devastating disease have remained a mystery. ​

Egypt’s Natural Treasure
(Earth Sciences)

Egypt has been gifted with hundreds of mineral water springs and sand baths that can heal many diseases; it is considered one of the most important therapeutic spots in the world

Ignaz Semmelweis: Killed by Ignorance
(Inventions and Innovations)

If you check your hands under the microscope, certainly you would be surprised! Our hands contain millions of microbes, most of which are harmless, but some can easily cause colds, flu, diarrhea, and other life-threatening diseases.

Breaking Down Plastics with Bacteria
(Inventions and Innovations)

It is evident that plastics bring many societal benefits and offer future technological and medical advances. However, once plastic materials are created, they never go away! 

Virginia Apgar: Saving Newborns
(Inventions and Innovations)

Virginia Apgar is a scientist who is believed to have changed the face of medicine significantly by her contributions in the field of anesthesiology and neonatology. The American physician is best known for developing the Apgar Newborn Scoring System, also known as the Apgar Score; a simple, quick method for judging newborn viability. The newborn’s appearance color, reflex irritability, muscle tone, and respiration are assessed one minute after birth and again after five minutes; low scores indicate possible health issues. Her test has saved countless infants, laid the foundations of neonatology, and discovered potentially grave conditions. She was one of Columbia University’s first female MDs and one of the first American women to specialize in anesthesia.

Detox Diet: A Myth or Reality?
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Detox, short for detoxification, is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. 

Ayah Bdeir: LittleBits Library of Electronics
(Inventions and Innovations)

Ayah Bdeir is a woman who is passionate about making hardware accessible to people of all ages and walks of life. She studied computer engineering at the American University of Beirut and went on to earn her Master’s of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). When she started to learn about electric circuits in university, she realized many people give up on the subject because they found it too hard to understand. From this point onwards she has been on a mission to make that complex idea accessible to all people, whether you are into engineering or not.

Alice Hamilton and Labor Safety
(Inventions and Innovations)

Alice Hamilton was a pioneer in the field of toxicology, studying occupational illnesses and the dangerous effects of industrial metals and chemical compounds on the human body. In her quest to uncover industrial toxins, Hamilton roamed dangerous parts of hazardous workplaces, descended into mines, and coaxed her way into factories reluctant to admit her.

Gertrude Elion at the Forefront of AIDS Treatment
(Inventions and Innovations)

Gertrude Elion was an American biochemist and pharmacologist well-known for discovering many medications, including medications for HIV/AIDS, herpes, immunity disorders, and leukemia. Elion developed a multitude of new drugs, using innovative research methods that later led to the development of the first drug used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS: Zidovudine (AZT). She and her colleague, George H. Hitchings, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1988.

Rufaida bint Saad Al-Aslameya: The First Muslim Nurse
(Inventions and Innovations)

Arab pioneers in medicine were not only physicians and surgeons, but Arab nurses played a valuable part too. One of the most famous names in Arab nursing is Rufaida bint Saad Al-Aslameya, the first nurse in the Islamic and Eastern world.

The Arabs and the Advancement of Astrolabes
(Inventions and Innovations)

One of the Arab scientists’ major contributions was in astrolabes. Astrolabes were primarily invented by the ancient Greeks in 225 BCE by Apollonius based on the theories and the findings of Hipparchus. The main uses of astrolabes were to tell time during day or night, to identify the time of sunrise and sunset, and the length of the day, and to locate celestial objects in the sky. These uses were essential for astronomers, astrologers, and of course navigators.

Dr. Fawzia Fahim's Reseach on Cancer-Killing Cobra
(Inventions and Innovations)

The cobra’s regal image, like that of the Pyramids and the Sun, is among the Pharaonic symbols of ancient Egypt and its constellation of mystical deities. Snakes have also long been part of the symbolism of medicine; even the escutcheon of the profession bears a serpent wrapped around the staff of Aesculapius, the Greek god of healing.

Ibn al-Nafis and the Exploration of the Human Body
(Inventions and Innovations)

Ibn al-Nafis was a great Arab physician and surgeon, who also made contributions in astronomy, Islamic theology philosophy, history, and science fiction writing. Ibn al-Nafis recorded his own experiences, observations, and deductions in his books and manuscripts; 300 years after his original writings, some of his work was translated into Latin and became available to European physicians.

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