Articles (Computer)

Operating Systems: A Computer Story
(Computers and Information Technology)

Nowadays, everyone has a personal computer that they can easily use without any special training or knowledge, thanks to the user-friendly operating systems out there. In the past, things were not that easy though.

The Technologies behind Google Assistant
(Computers and Information Technology)

In the past, only businessmen could have personal assistants; now, thanks to advances in AI, everyone can have an assistant. Can you guess who has helped me research this topic?

Electronic Health Record: a New Era of Healthcare
(Health and Diseases)

Ancient Egyptians offered a huge amount of information recorded on papyrus, teaching us the importance of documentation, especially in the medical field.

Artificial Intelligence between Past and Future
(Computers and Information Technology)

Each era is characterized by a unique invention or discovery; AI is one of the most important modern innovations that changed humanity's path.

Manufacturing Intelligence
(Computers and Information Technology)

Artificial intelligence specialists are becoming more ambitious; they have started developing Artificial Neural Networks, which enable a robot to learn like a human brain.

What Is Quantum Computing?
(Computers and Information Technology)

Experts expect a revolution in informatics led by quantum computing.

A World Without Internet
(Computers and Information Technology)

Those born in the 20th century know well the life with and without the internet, but younger generations depend on it on a daily basis.

Around the World in One Day – Part II
(Earth Sciences)

Let’s resume our journey and see how trotting around the globe in one day would feel like.

Beyond Walls
(Computers and Information Technology)

Some production activities have historically taken the form of bringing groups of individuals together for specific projects.

Facial Recognition Technology
(Computers and Information Technology)

Facial recognition technology has become one of the mainstream security and safety technologies in the meantime.

The Elusive Genius: Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto
(Inventions and Innovations)

For years, the genius mathematician responsible for the creation of Bitcoin—the first ever digital cryptocurrency—remained unknown. 

Smart Techniques for Smarter Education
(Education, Business, and Society)

Teachers use different tools to facilitate their hard profession; one of which is the writing board, which is the oldest and best known tool.

E-learning in Africa
(Education, Business, and Society)

Any nation aiming to join the ranks of advanced nations must first and foremost look to its educational system.

Outside the Box
(Education, Business, and Society)

Outsourcing can be a smart business decision if done correctly, but it can also be detrimental to business.

The Worldwide Work Web
(Education, Business, and Society)

Each wave of technology overturns its predecessor but the development of computing technologies is more than a chain of innovation.

The Internet and Mind Control
(Computers and Information Technology)

Does Facebook really connect people or provide an unrealistic version of reality? 

The Golden Touch
(Education, Business, and Society)

In Greek mythology, King Midas had asked the god Dionysus for the ability to turn everything he touched into gold; when he was granted his wish, he thought he had good fortune. Yet, he soon came to regret making that wish!

Home Automation
(Education, Business, and Society)

Now you can connect your home devices to your mobile, tablet, or PC via a Wi-Fi connection.

It Is Not Always About The Food: Happy New Year!
(Science Fun Time: Stories and Activities)

Christmas and New Year are more or less the same for most Egyptians. Both are very special occasions; the first refers to celebrating the birth of Jesus, and the second refers to the New Year celebrations. 

Young Innovators: Eesha Khare
(Inventions and Innovations)

Every other day, we hear about a new technological breakthrough, or a new exciting innovation that someone has developed; we are truly...

About Us

SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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