Black holes are a big concern; not just for NASA scientists, but for the whole world. The biggest question is: What would happen if a black hole reached us? Would it be our doom?
Each discovery is a significant milestone in humanity’s efforts to find evidence of life elsewhere in our galaxy; astronomers are looking for a planet that mimics the Earth’s characteristics to be able to support life.
During summer, the sweating rate increases and some often use deodorant to prevent unpleasant smell; however, there have been more allegations trying to link the use of deodorants to some diseases.
Recent reports state that the activity on the Sun’s surface has fallen dramatically, promoting a period of solar minimum that might cause droughts and famine on Earth.
The Sun was worshiped by several ancient civilizations, but with their demise, its worship diminish and the knowledge of its healing powers.
The Egyptians, they said, were the first to discover the solar year. They obtained this knowledge from the stars.
Whenever I read this story, I ask myself: Is this part of the body really so vulnerable that the Ancient Greeks created a myth about it?
In summer, we always complain of the Sun’s heat, sometimes wishing it would just disappear! Can we live or even imagine life without a Sun?
From freezing icy, to melting sandy environments, humans inhabit most of the terrestrial spots on Earth. Let us take a tour around the world to examine different houses.
The young Maryam was raised amidst a mathematical, astronomical environment. She delved into both sciences to design and build the “complex” astrolabe.
Becoming a science communicator has made me curious about the chemistry behind everything I use. As we approach the summer, I found myself compelled to how to enjoy it while staying healthy.
Can you imagine your life without water? Of course not, life without water is impossible; we need water to survive.
Being our nearest neighbor, the Moon has always found its way into the realms of human curiosity; its desolate beauty has been the source of fascination, inspiring a rich cultural and symbolic tradition.
From ancient civilizations to modern day, the colors and symbols of the four elements have represented the different aspects of nature and the forces of energy in our world.
Are we alone in the Universe? What exactly is dark matter? How did our solar system form initially? Endless unanswered questions about space; it is practically a wonderland of mystery.