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Participatory local development planning : a guide for municipalities in southern Ecuador

Document type: report
Download file(s): 116588 (342 KB)
Abstract: Based on its experiences in supporting several municipalities in the southern provinces of Ecuador, SNV has helped to compile a guide for formulating the plans, including a participatory process that ensures that all local stakeholders have a say in their own development. The guide is the result of a collective effort of international and local development organisations that lasted from 2000 to 2004. It specifies the steps to be taken, and tools and instruments that can be used in the process of formulating the plans. The guide has already been distributed to 300 local and national organisations on CD, and a printed version will be published in early 2005. Seven years earlier, the area had been strongly affected by the border dispute between Ecuador and Peru.
Authors: Weert, E. van , Bustamante, M. , Solorzano, V.
Series Title: Local Government
Country: Ecuador
Category: Practice
Keywords: decentralization , participation , peacebuilding
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: [5]
Place: [The Hague]
Publisher: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Year: 2004
Region: Latin America , South America
Right: © 2004 SNV
Subject: Social and Political Change
Title: Participatory local development planning : a guide for municipalities in southern Ecuador

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