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The Nepal biogas support program : elements for success in rural household energy supply

Document type: report
Download file(s): 117213 (361 KB)
Abstract: The ongoing assistance by the SNV Netherlands Development Organization to the Biogas Support Program (BSP) in Nepal has resulted in the wide-scale use of biogas for cooking and lighting needs of rural households. The German Development Bank (KfW) provided additional support to the implementation of the third phase of the Program. By the end of 1998 this Program had already improved the quality of life of more than 200,000 people. The importance of the biogas sector is at present recognized at all levels of our Government and a target is set to install 90,000 biogas plants in the 9th Five Year Plan covering the period of July 1998 to 2002. This paper presents the accomplishments of the Program in a comprehensive manner. An economic analysis of the entire BSP I & II results in an estimated EIRR of 11% when only the benefits of fuelwood and kerosene savings are accounted for. If the benefits of saved labor are added, the EIRR rises to 15%. Adding the total value of the nutrients saved by the BSP increases the EIRR to 32%. Including the conservative estimates for the health benefits of smoke reduction (US$ 6.67/household/yr) increases the EIRR to 36%. Finally, adding the value of the reduced carbon provides an EIRR of 50%.
Authors: Mendis, M.S. , Nes, W.J. van
Series Title: Policy and Best Practice Document
Country: Nepal
Category: Practice
ISBN: 90-5328-240-8
Serial number: 4
Keywords: energy resources , sustainable development , aid programmes
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: 48
Place: The Hague
Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Year: 1999
Region: South Asia
Right: © 1999 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Environment and Natural Resources
Title: The Nepal biogas support program : elements for success in rural household energy supply

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