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I collaborate, e-collaborate, we collaborate : a collection of stories about e-collaboration experiences

Document type: book
Download file(s): 118794 (967 KB)
Abstract: This booklet contains over 10 stories of Dutch development organizations using e-collaboration in some way. Tools include: (1) for sharing interesting websites; (2) Skype for communicating with partners through the internet; (3) TeamSpeak for online meetings; (4) content management systems for supporting an online course page or for setting up an online database; (5) Claroline for setting up an online learning space; (6) the intranet as an information resource; (7) Moodle for managing courses and projects; (8) a wiki for creating together online; (9) Groove for working together across distances; (10) Dgroups for supporting and managing people; and (11) weblogs or blogs for sharing one’s personal views.
Authors: Steenhoven, M. van der , Wagenaar, S. , Hulsebosch, J.
Country: Netherlands
Category: Practice
Keywords: information and communication technologies , non-governmental organizations
Language: eng
Organization: PSO - Capacity Building in Developing Countries , IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
PAGE: 51
Place: The Hague
Publisher: PSO [etc.]
Year: 2007
Region: Europe
Right: © 2007 PSO
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: I collaborate, e-collaborate, we collaborate : a collection of stories about e-collaboration experiences

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