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Strategic framework 2006-2010 : making the most of experience in ICTs for development

Document type: policy_doc
Download file(s): 120725 (360 KB)
Abstract: For the period 2006-2010 IICD will focus on becoming an expertise knowledge-based organization in the field of ICT4D. Throughout this period it will promote awareness about ICTs as a development tool, share the lessons learned with the international development community, and develop strategic partnerships with organizations from the private, public and non-profit sector. The approach of IICD is based on two types of activities: Country Programmes and Thematic Networks. For the strategic period 2006-2010, IICD intends to draw on the valuable experiences that it has stimulated and prove itself as an expertise organization in the field of ICT4D. The organization has built up a strong ICT4D knowledge base that continues to grow and from which lessons can be learned, shared and reinvested in existing work and new opportunities. In light of moving towards becoming an expertise organization, IICD will make optimum use of this ICT4D knowledge base and therefore has identified three strategic priorities (embedding, harvesting and leveraging). IICD’s unique combination of experience and learning-by-doing means that it has a comparative advantage from which to demonstrate and lift its work to a broader set of stakeholders (leveraging).
Corporate author(s): IICD
Category: Policy
Keywords: information and communication technologies
Language: eng
Organization: IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
Place: The Hague
Publisher: IICD
Year: 2006
Region: Africa South of Sahara , Caribbean , Latin America
Right: © 2006 IICD
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: Strategic framework 2006-2010 : making the most of experience in ICTs for development

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