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Talking about sex : using youth language in sexuality education

Document type: article
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Abstract: This issue of Exchange is about learning about sex. This article argues that sex education could be much improved if the language young people use to talk about sex would be explored in group sessions. This would encourage them to reflect on their own attitudes and stereotypes with regards to gender relations and sex-related issues. Language shapes the way we think about life, and therefore influences our actions. Analysing the metaphors young people use while talking about sex can provide valuable insights into the ways in which they understand sex, sexual behaviour and sexual relationships. These insights may have untapped potential for enhancing the effectiveness of sexuality education interventions. Despite increasing levels of awareness about HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa over the past decade, many young people in the region still lack detailed knowledge on protecting themselves from sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) and unwanted pregnancies. Studies show that young people become sexually active at relatively early ages, have multiple sexual partners, and often do not use condoms or other contraceptive methods. In this context, interventions to raise knowledge and awareness and to influence attitudes and behaviour need to be well-designed and accessible for young people.
Authors: Undie, C.-C. , Crichton, J. , Zulu, E.
Country: Malawi
Category: Research
End Page: 6
Serial number: 3
ISSN: [1871-7551]
Journal: Exchange on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender
Keywords: HIV and AIDS , health , disease prevention and control , youth
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
Year: 2007
Region: East Africa
Right: © 2007 KIT
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Start Page: 4
Title: Talking about sex : using youth language in sexuality education

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