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Learning to let go : The Netherlands : based on an interview

Document type: article
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Abstract: Wetenschappelijke Educatieve en Sociaal-culturele Projecten (‘scientific educational and socio-cultural projects’ – WESP) is a Dutch NGO established in 1989 by Jorien Meerdink. WESP believes that services should not only respond to the needs of children, but that children themselves should participate in the decision-making process. WESP developed the ‘vraaggericht werken’ approach (which in the context of working with children loosely translates as ‘child-driven work’) in which carers are trained to work with children in ways that allow them to co-determine what services do and how they deliver. WESP provides training and support to institutions to achieve this. This article focuses on one particular school – Vragenderwijs (‘asking as you go’) – as an example.
Authors: Meerdink, J.
Country: Netherlands
Category: Practice
End Page: 47
Serial number: 103
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: education , children , participation
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2004
Region: Europe
Right: © 2004 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Education, Science and Technology
Start Page: 46
Title: Learning to let go : The Netherlands : based on an interview

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