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Colombia : playing to learn : an alternative for rural children

Document type: article
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Abstract: This article outlines the extreme problems faced by rural populations in Colombia, showing that rural communities have consequently lost the capacity to organise themselves and have lost their sense of belonging together. In addition, the article discusses experiences with three interlinked strategies that have been devised for work with and around young children. The first promotes and maximises the potential of the environment of children to enhance young children’s emotional and physical growth, and their socialisation with their peers. The second helps families to see children as people who have rights and responsibilities, people for whom they must provide the best possible physical and social development environments. The third enables local authorities to learn about childhood and to recognise the strategic significance of childhood for their own development.
Authors: Rengifo, A.L.M.
Country: Colombia
Category: Practice
End Page: 28
Serial number: 101
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: education , children , rural development , communities
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2003
Region: South America
Right: © 2003 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Education, Science and Technology
Start Page: 24
Title: Colombia : playing to learn : an alternative for rural children

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