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Particulier initiatief blijft groeien ondanks recessie

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Abstract: Private initiatives (PIs) are a growth sector on the Dutch international development scene. According to Kinsbergen, who works on a PhD thesis on the subject, PI is often of a charitatible nature. ”It is not development assistance.” Most of the initiatives are directed to sub-Saharan Africa: a new tractor, repairing the roof of a school. ”Professionalization and up-scaling is generally lacking.” The average initiator is male, over 50, and not religiously motivated. The number of women is on the increase. It is estimated that there are over 6000 private initiatives in The Netherlands.
Authors: Visser, K.
Book or source title: ICCO Magazine
Category: General
End Page: 15
Serial number: Zomer
Keywords: aid financing , civil society
Language: nld
Organization: ICCO - Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation
Place: [Utrecht]
Publisher: ICCO
Year: 2009
Region: Africa South of Sahara
Right: © 2009 ICCO
Subject: Development Cooperation General
Start Page: 14
Title: Particulier initiatief blijft groeien ondanks recessie

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