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Unlocking funding opportunities for farmers through grassroots savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOS)

Document type: report
Download file(s): 171492 (155 KB)
Abstract: The financial sector in Mozambique is very underdeveloped especially with regards to its outreach in rural areas, mainly because of the conservative nature of banks and the expensive financial products that are inaccessible for small farmers. Through improved engagement with the banks and the development support of SACCOs (Saving and Credit Cooperatives), SNV aims to improve outreach and availability of suitable rural financial products to the sector. This will result in increased investment from producers. SNV believes access to finance and support to value chain financing is a key to poverty reduction through sustainable economic growth in production, income and employment. This report discusses the work of SNV in Mozambique, the outcome, expected impact and lessons learned.
Authors: Chipembere, R.
Series Title: Case studies
Country: Mozambique
Category: Practice
Keywords: rural development , governance , finance , credit
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
Place: [The Hague]
Publisher: SNV
Year: 2009
Region: East Africa
Right: © 2009 SNV
Subject: Agriculture and Rural Development
Title: Unlocking funding opportunities for farmers through grassroots savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOS)

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