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Handel & maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen : samenhang in duurzame ontwikkeling : handelsmissies

Document type: report
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Abstract: In 2010, SOMO published a series of memos which focus on the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and trade. The first publication in the serie examines CSR aspects of trade missions. The Dutch government sees CSR as an 'export article', and its ambition is to integrate CSR into all government activities to promote trade, with specific attention to trade missions. But are these intentions actually converted into policy, and to what extent does compliance take place? Experience in recent years has shown that CSR is still not given a sufficiently structural and integrated place on the agenda of trade missions. The memo discusses the limitations which are blocking adequate realisation of the proposed policy. At the end of this memo, SOMO makes a number of recommendations which contribute to a more coherent government policy, in which sufficient account is taken of CSR aspects in activities to promote trade, in this case trade missions.
Authors: Theuws, M. , Os, R. van
Series Title: SOMO Memo
Category: General
ISBN: 978-90-71284-57-1
Serial number: Mei
Keywords: enterprises , ethics , sustainable development
Language: nld
Organization: SOMO - Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations
Place: Amsterdam
Publisher: SOMO
Year: 2010
Right: © 2010 SOMO
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: Handel & maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen : samenhang in duurzame ontwikkeling : handelsmissies

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