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Oral health seeking behaviour and oral health programme for Quechua indigenous people of Challhuahuacho-Apurimac, Peru

Document type: mthesis
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Abstract: PROBLEM: Quechua indigenous people of Challhuahuacho-Apurimac, Peru seem to have worse oral health (dental caries and periodontal diseases) and less access to dental care facilities than the general population in the country. OBJECTIVES: To analyse the oral health seeking behavior of Quechua indigenous people. Moreover, an analysis of oral health programmes was carried out in other indigenous and rural communities. METHODOLOGY: The Andersen’s behavioural model which is modified by the International Collaborative study for oral health outcomes and by the author of this thesis is used. Each oral health programme is also analysed using the criteria to assess the quality of oral health strategies stipulated by WHO. FINDINGS: The oral health situation of indigenous people was indeed worse than the rest of non-indigenous people; influenced by personal practices (low utilisation of toothbrush, changes in their traditional diet and alcohol consumption) and by frequent use of informal dental care facilities. Factors determining their oral health seeking behaviour are: lack of potable water & sanitation, no fluoride exposure, lack of dental health policies & services, low educational level, gender, poor socio-economic situation and rural character. Finally, in other countries, it was very useful the criteria done by WHO to develop strategies to overcome the burden of dental diseases in vulnerable population which seem to be also applicable for an oral health programme in Challhuahuacho. CONCLUSIONS: The bad oral health outcome of indigenous people in Challhuahuacho concludes the necessity to implement preventive and public health strategies that have successful impact in other countries to improve their oral health status. RECOMMENDATIONS: Research study, public health interventions and emergency dental treatment are recommended. Moreover a list of activities was developed to be used for an oral health programme in the area.
Authors: Guadalupe, K.R.
Country: Peru
Category: Research
Department: Development Policy & Practice
Institute: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)
Keywords: indigenous peoples , health , health services
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
PAGE: 64
Year: 2008
Region: South America
Right: © 2008 Guadalupe
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Title: Oral health seeking behaviour and oral health programme for Quechua indigenous people of Challhuahuacho-Apurimac, Peru
Training: Master of Public Health / International Course in Health Development (ICHD)

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