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Determinants of maternal mortality in Ragh district of Afghanistan

Document type: mthesis
Download file(s): 185347 (778 KB)
Abstract: The maternal mortality ratio in Ragh district is estimated at 6500/100.000 LB, the highest ratio ever recorded in the world. The lifetime risk of maternal deaths is estimated at 1 in 3 compared to a ratio of 1 in 30.000 in northern Europe. Despite some achievements in meeting health sector reform targets, since 2001, the maternal health indicators show little improvement. Various socioeconomic, sociocultural, and health system factors are assumed to contribute to the crisis. However, there is no operational research to generate sound evidence on the causes of maternal mortality in Ragh district, thus an urgent need to identify key determinants and related gaps in intervention strategies, in order to save women’s and mother’s lives in future. This paper uses secondary data sources and anecdotal evidence to explore what may be the key determinants of maternal mortality in the district and the gaps in the current intervention strategies. Most notable, the district has no access to essential maternal health services such as emergency obstetric care and skilled attendance at births. Findings point to influences of poverty, low status of women in the family and society, early age marriage, female illiteracy, high fertility rates as major socio cultural events that influence the chances of a woman surviving during their reproductive lifetime. Other factors that are linked to access to healthcare include, poor infrastructure and transport, and unavailability of health services are contributing factors to high maternal mortality in Ragh district.
Authors: Sorosh, M.
Country: Afghanistan
Category: Research
Department: Development Policy & Practice
Institute: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)
Keywords: maternal and child health , health services
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
PAGE: x, 62
Year: 2009
Region: Southwest Asia
Right: © 2009 Sorosh
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Title: Determinants of maternal mortality in Ragh district of Afghanistan
Training: Master of Public Health / International Course in Health Development (ICHD)

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