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Boarding schools, why (not)?

Document type: report
Download file(s): 209971 (398 KB)
Abstract: This report discusses research on the the ideas, policies and procedures of Woord en Daad related to the support of day-schools and boarding schools. It aims to answer the following question: which aspects related to the effectiveness, which positive and/or negative effects and which contexts and/or situations (viewed in the context of fighting poverty) lead to a preference or necessity for day- or boarding schools?
Authors: Urban, M.W.
Category: Research
Keywords: children , education
Language: eng
Organization: Woord en Daad
PAGE: 44
Place: [Gorinchem]
Publisher: Woord en Daad
Year: 2007
Right: © 2007 Woord en Daad
Subject: Education, Science and Technology
Title: Boarding schools, why (not)?

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