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Who know best? Children do! : how children evaluate the effects of a War Child programme

Document type: report
Download file(s): 346603 (1567 KB)
Abstract: With this report, War Child Holland publishes the findings of a pilot study conducted in Northern Uganda in 2009. In this study, a child-friendly monitoring and evaluation toolkit was used to measure the effectiveness of War Child’s creative life skills method, I DEAL, for groups of children and young people in conflict-affected areas. I DEAL provides theme-based group sessions to improve children and young people’s psychosocial well-being through training in life skills, using a combination of creative and participatory techniques such as role-play, drawing, games and group discussions. The intervention consists of six I DEAL modules that address psychosocial themes such as identity, dealing with emotions, peer relations, relationships with adults, conflict and peace, and the future. Through I DEAL, War Child seeks to enhance the resilience of children and young people and improve their coping skills to better ‘deal’ with the challenges of every day life.
Authors: Claessens, L. , Graaff, D. de
Country: Uganda
Category: Research
Editor: Griede, E. , Lith, B. van
Keywords: children , conflict , evaluation , human rights
Language: eng
Organization: War Child
PAGE: 38
Place: War Child
Publisher: Amsterdam
Year: [2010]
Region: East Africa
Right: © 2010 War Child
Subject: Humanitarian Assistance
Title: Who know best? Children do! : how children evaluate the effects of a War Child programme

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