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The formalization and integration of the domestic market into LAS: Ghana

Document type: report
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Abstract: In November 2009, Ghana was the first country to sign and ratify a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the EU on legal timber exports. Although VPAs are primarily concerned with international trade, Ghana decided to include in its VPA the production of timber for the domestic market. This market is supplied for more than 80 percent by chainsaw milled lumber, which has been banned since 1998. Despite this ban, illegal chainsaw milling is flourishing, challenging Ghana’s ambitions to develop a legal and sustainable forestry sector. In this report TBI, together with the Forestry Commission and the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, describes Ghana’s informal domestic timber production sector including its impacts, related governance challenges, and means for its potential recognition and formalization.
Authors: Wit, M. , Zagt, R. , Marfo, E. , Nketiah, S. , Mckeown, J.P. , Boadu, A.A.
Country: Ghana
Category: General
Keywords: forestry , government , markets , private sector
Language: eng
Organization: Tropenbos International
PAGE: 41
Place: [Wageningen]
Publisher: Tropenbos International
Year: 2011
Region: West Africa
Right: © 2011 Tropenbos International
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: The formalization and integration of the domestic market into LAS: Ghana

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