How to become a TWAS Young affiliate?
Each year, each of the five TWAS Regional Partners selects up to five brilliant early-career scientists under the age of 40 years to become 'TWAS Young Affiliates' for six years. These young scientists join a growing network of the developing world’s most promising scientists. They also receive further opportunities to interact and learn from TWAS Fellows.
During their tenure, Affiliates will be able to participate in a large number of opportunities, such as participating in various events organized by the Arab regional partner of the World Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries (TWAS-AREP) and other events affiliated with the World Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries (TWAS).
This program, which began in 2007, seeks to identify the best young scientists in each region of the developing world and provide them with opportunities to network with one another, with TWAS Fellows, and to attend international conferences and other events for young scientists.
Who can be a TWAS Young Affiliate?
Affiliates are selected on their potential for future impact. TWAS Arab Young affiliates eligibility criteria:
Native of an Arab country;
Less than 40 years by application date;
Have been living and working in a developing country for at least the last three years;
Have a history of excellence and accomplishment, including at least 10 publications in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed, scientific journals.
Applications of women scientists are particularly encouraged.
TWAS Young Affiliates:
- Will be invited to attend all TWAS General Meetings and General Conferences;
Will be invited to attend regional meetings of TWAS Arab Fellows, in Alexandria;
Will be invited to participate in the activities of TWAS national chapters in their home countries (if such a chapter is active);
Will receive copies of TWAS publications such as the TWAS Newsletter, Year Book, Annual Report;
Will have their biodata and a photograph published in an annual Young Affiliates Year Book, to be made available at each TWAS General Meeting;
Are eligible for TWAS Prizes (unlike full TWAS members);
Are entitled to attend TWAS General Assemblies as observers, i.e. without voting rights;
Are encouraged to provide feedback to TWAS on how the Academy can respond to the needs of young scientists in developing countries.
Application Deadline 15 April 2025 .
Before submitting your application, please consider the following points:
a- Required documents:
1- Curriculum vitae (CV) must be:
- Recent;
Clarifying your work institution and your residence country for the past three years;
Contain your professional profiles: Google Scholar, Research Gate, etc.);
Include a list of the top 10 publications (Please add to each publication the ISSN number and the related link);
Word or PDF format.
2- Recommendation letter (a letter from a Scientist/Professor stating why he/she recommends you for this program according to your academic contribution.) must be:
3- Document clarifying age (ex: A scanned copy of your passport, or National ID)
b- Note:
- List of 10 most significant publications, for each publication please include its ISSN no. and the publication Link (a complete list of publications should be attached along with your CV). The top 10 publications by the applicant shall be included in the application form and listed in an internationally acceptable format. In case of unknown journals and national publications, the applicant shall clarify the publication category e.g. article, abstract, an article in conference proceedings or any agency preprint.
- Prepare a one-page of your contributions to science in the Arab Region.
- Referees (please provide the contact details of three referees)
*Only the selected "Young Affiliates" will be contacted via email.