
13 December 2022

(cost of violence against women: confrontation dynamics and challenges)'s experts meeting

The BA program for women studies and social transformation’s organizing “cost of violence against women: confrontation dynamics and challenges” experts meeting - The meeting will be held at the 13th of December 2022, conference center – Delegates hall – which aims to open a profound debate about the huge cost that the Egyptian society pays as a result of gender-based violence. Whether this cost is tangibly can be calculated economically. Or the intangible impacts that influence the well spread cultural believes and patterns of relationships.

Moreover, this meeting discusses the different challenges and opportunities that formulate the violence phenomena. This meeting will be held with the high-level participation of university professors, policy makers, judges, and others.

It’s worth mentioning that the meeting is one of the activities that The Program for Women Studies and Social Transformation is organizing as a part of “16 days activism against gender-based violence campaign” which runs this year under the theme “Together We Protect Her”