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Francois is an Advisor of the SHINE Program at the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Founder of “Sauer and Associates, LLC” a Leawood Kansas based consulting firm that, as a catalyst, helps executives manifest to the fullest their own talents. Francois has expertise in systems thinking, human relations, and international operations (Latin America and Europe). As a catalyst, author, philosopher and scientist his proven problem-solving approaches are both innovative and pragmatic. His passion is to stimulate, in scientists and executives, the inner development of their own cognitive and creative processes. Author of “Relearn, Evolve, and Adapt: An Essay to Integrate Creative Imagination with Socially Conditioned Thought and Behavior”. His publication demonstrates how we are the architects of our lives, and become what we think about ( Over the past three decades, Francois has delivered organizational improvements and profitable business growths. He has served as CEO, Executive, Advisor, and Consultant to large enterprises as well as start-up ventures. His tenure has included Banamex (Health Services executive), DEC and AT&T, and CEO of Cerner International, subsidiary of Cerner Corporation He excels in aligning multiple constituencies, fostering collaboration between diverse groups, and integrating human capital, information capital, and organization capital. These strengths allow him to effectively deliver the organization's customer value proposition and the targeted financial results. He is adroit at creating the requisite human relationships to integrate technology with the business processes necessary to promote organizational improvement and profitable business growth. In the business world, Francois is a board member of CritiTech and also of its four subsidiaries and an adviser to two startup companies: Flow Forward and Metactive. In the non-for-profit world, Francois is a member of the System Dynamics Society (MIT), the Supercourse (distributed by WHO) and the Kickwood Society of the American Red Cross, as well as a former board member of Baker University, of the KC American Red Cross, and of the KC International Relations Council. Some of Francois accomplishments are in Mexico, he redesigned, implemented, and operated Banamex’s healthcare delivery system covering 100,000 lives. The new system increased customer satisfaction from 50 percent to 80 percent, and concurrently cut average costs per individual by 50 percent. This level of cost reduction was sustained and documented for five years. Subsequently, more than half of Mexico’s banking system adopted this business model. In Europe, he implemented, as a member of a five-person strategic team, the restructuring of Digital-Europe (31,000 people) from a geographical model to an industry-focused model. This new structure enabled the Company to better recognize and respond to the specific needs of each industry segment and was accepted by European Labor Unions. As a result, the volume of sales in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa exceeded U.S. sales. In US, he served as one of the five initial developers of the Global Health Net (GHNet), an international effort led by Dr. Ron LaPorte that applies the power of information technology to improve education on prevention in Public Health. Launched in 1993, at a meeting of the Pan American Health Organization, GHNet ( is now the largest free preventive public health education website distributed by WHO.
“The Multilingual Science movement” improves Sciences
What is this movement? This movement is a multilingual network of self-organized scientists. The enablers of this movement are: • The BA Supercourse with Ismail Serageldin and Ron LaPorte • A set of shared humanistic values including:  The desire to learn and share scientific insights,  To globally build trusting relationships to leverage diversity of perspectives  To contribute to global peace, harmony, and unity in the world. • The participant scientists and their organizations include libraries, universities as well as research and teaching organizations that develop, test, curate, share, and store scientific content. • The technologies used include IT, search engines, machine translation and in the future may also include Extended Reality XR with AI, VR and AR. How this movement helps scientists and the world? The use of IT technologies including machine translation facilitates access to scientific content eliminating the language barrier. This movement increases communication, cooperation, and coordination between scientists. It is expanding their creativity through connectivity. A personal “why” for this movement If I share my personal experience in a multilingual culture, it is because, for me, languages were not an end in itself! Their development responded to my need to adapt to different environments. Languages were the way to access content as well as means to communicate, cooperate, and coordinate my actions with others! • Although I was born and live in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. I had, for the school curriculum, to also speak German! • Because I attended a school directed by Franciscan Monks; one requisite was to master Latin! • When later at the age of 19th, I moved to Mexico, I needed to speak Spanish! • Now that I live in the USA, I need to speak English! This movement, by removing the language’s barrier, offers two additional opportunities 1. To self-select trusting relationships in the world at large. John Naisbitt said: “The most exciting breakthroughs of the twenty-first century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.” (1) 2. To improve the scientists’ decision making, by leveraging the goodwill of other scientists in the world. Sandström said: “You can only develop truly remarkable concepts by being self-critical, curious, and open-minded.” (2) In summary “The Multilingual Science movement” improves Sciences and the satisfaction of the scientists This movement: • Eliminates the language barrier and accelerates the progress in Sciences by increasing the connectivity between stored knowledge siloed by language. The long-term accumulation of knowledge will stay in the scientific communities that survive. In contrast, the scientists who come-in to contribute their passion, time, and talents then get-out when they retire. • Increases the scientist’s satisfaction by expanding its connectedness to a worldwide community of kindred spirits. Daniel Kahneman asserts that: “happiness and satisfaction are distinct. Happiness is a momentary experience that arises spontaneously and is fleeting. Meanwhile, satisfaction is a long-term feeling, built over time and based on achieving goals and building the kind of life you admire.” (4) This movement helps scientists to see their contributions as a commitment to the progress of Sciences to impact positively: global peace, harmony and unity in the world. François Rabelais said: “Science without conscience is only ruin of the soul.” Ref (1): Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness by Frédéric Laloux Ref (2): Download 01/29/2020 MIT “The man who changed disruption—and saw his own theories get disrupted," What I learned from Clayton Christensen, the author of The Innovator’s Dilemma. By Christian Sandström Ref (4): Daniel Kahneman in “” Mercatus Center Dec 19th, 2018