El-Kabbaj and Zayed Inaugurate the “Civil society” Conference at the BA

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Dr. Nevine El-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, and Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, inaugurated the conference "Civil Society: Towards an Effective Partnership in the New Republic", with the participation of Major General Mohamed El-Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, and Prof. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University. The conference also witnessed the opening of an exhibition showcasing the products of NGOs from various Egyptian governorates.

Dr. Zayed said that this conference came to emphasize the concept of partnership, as civil society organizations were able to play a major role in the achievement of social solidarity, adding that the exhibition NGO products held on the sidelines of the conference reflects the ability of civil society to offer productive and creative services, as well as make several contributions that aim to raise the status of society and strengthen it.

In her speech, Dr. Nevine El-Kabbaj stressed that this conference addresses a vital issue, which is how to invest in future generations, build citizens, and strengthen the role of civil society and support it.

She also stated that the vision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in partnership with civil society institutions depends on a number of foundations, the most important of which is the independence of civil society, and its ability to set its priority agenda in line with the social, cultural and economic needs of society, and in keeping with national conditions at every stage.

In his speech, Prof. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, spoke about the importance of civil society and the original role it plays in building the Egyptian state, especially under the new republic.

He also touched on the role of Alexandrian civil society in cooperating with Alexandria University at the level of education and treatment, and highlighted its major contributions that ensure that treatment reaches ordinary people.

For his part, Major General Mohamed El-Sherif, Governor of Alexandria, pointed out that civil society plays a major role in assisting decision-makers, as it represents an effective link with citizens in order to convey their concerns and problems.

It is worth noting that the conference will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, 20 – 21 June, and covers several topics related to the role of NGOs in confronting extremism and spreading the culture of tolerance. It also discuss the role these organizations play in facing crises such as dealing with refugees, the food crisis, and violence against women.


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