The Exhibitions displays a selection of photos by the Italian Photographer Roberto Scovacricchi taken during the period 1977 to 1979 when he was in Guatemala for a development project.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC West Exhibition Hall 17 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 18 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 19 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 20 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 21 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 22 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 23 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 24 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 25 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 26 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 27 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC West Exhibition Hall 28 Dec 2013 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public