The focus of the Alexandria meeting will be the provision of safe water and sanitation world-wide, and how a Leaders’- level G20 might shape and bring to reality a politically viable, prescriptive “roadmap” for action. This meeting will examine the international political architecture for addressing the global water crisis, in particular the provision of safe drinking water and sanitation. Our meeting aims to move beyond the diagnosis of problems and challenges to focus on win-win outcomes in terms of multilateral action. Participants will include a combination of policy leaders, practitioners and leading researchers.

The context for this meeting is an ongoing exploration led by the Centre for Global Studies of the potential contribution that a new “Leaders’- level G20” (supplementing the G8 and enhancing the current G20 meetings of Finance Ministers) might make to advancing solutions to apparently intractable global problems. The basic idea is to examine, through the lens of specific issues, whether a G-20 Leaders’ Forum can offer incremental value as a new vehicle to resolve global issues not effectively addressed by existing fora (e.g., the UN and G8).


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Third Floor Floating Room 1 - 2 December 2004 09:00 18:00 Conference Open For Public - 40 EGP