The Bibliotheca Alexandrina will host the exhibition Graphic Art from the Academy of Warsaw, in collaboration with the Cultural Sector at the Polish Embassy, on the occasion of the centennial of the circle of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. The four printmakers are Agnieszka Cie?li?ska, Rafa? Strent, Andrzej W?c?awski and Stanis?aw Wieczorek.

The exhibition is scheduled to be inaugurated on Tuesday 23rd November at 7:00 pm in the East Exhibition Hall, Conference Center. The Polish Ambassador Jan Natkanski. It will be on show only until the 28th November as it has to travel to Damascus, Syria and to Amman, Jordan afterwards.

The next day, Wednesday 24th November, a lecture by two Polish professors (Mr. Andrzej Weclawski and Mrs. Agnieszka Cieslinska-Kawecka) about Polish contemporary art and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, will take place in the West Conference Hall at the Conference Center at 10:30 am.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC East Exhibition Hall 22 - 28 November 2004 09:00 21:00 Exhibition Open For Public
BACC Lecture Hall 24 Nov 2004 10:00 14:00 Lecture Open For Public