A seminar will be held by the Francophone Library on the occasion of receiving a donation from the French Development Agency, which includes books and periodicals in the following fields: Education, Training, Demographics, and Health; the South African Desert; General Management and Politics; Environment and Biodiversity; Economics, Labor, and Institutions; Latin America and the Caribbean; Agriculture and Rural Development; Energy, Transportation, Water, and Purification; the Mediterranean and the Middle East; the Former English and French Colonies; Conflicts and Post-Conflicts and Fragile States.

The seminar will be presented in French and accompanied by an Arabic translation. An exhibition including the books and periodicals contained in the donation will be displayed in front of the hall where the seminar will be held.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Auditorium 14 Sep 2014 12:00 18:00 Seminar Open For Public