The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is hosting The 23<sup>rd</sup> Biennale of Alexandria for Plastic Arts under the theme of “Transparency of Universe… Magic of the Mediterranean”. During the Biennale, four areas will be explored focusing on Myth and Philosophy; Soul and Personality of the Mediterranean; Biennale of Alexandria in Half a Century: experiences of people; future horizons.

More than 80 artists from 16 Mediterranean country are participating in the Biennale, they include: Algeria, Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

An exhibition will be accompanying the biennale, it is dedicated to works by winners of previous competitions, and participants from several Mediterranean cities.



Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Small Theater 01 Dec 2005 19:00 23:59 Ceremony By invitation only
BACC Small Theater 02 Dec 2005 10:00 21:31 Lecture Open For Public
BACC Small Theater 03 Dec 2005 10:00 23:00 Seminar Open For Public