
For the second time in the history of the World Architecture Festival, an Egyptian project reaches the finals of the festival’s awards. The projects is one of the submissions that were presented for the Science City Competition that was organized by the BA and the International Union of Architects (UIA) in 2016.

In light of the BA interest in disseminating knowledge, the Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) will host the architect Hamdy el-Sotohy in a seminar to introduce the project and the award’s importance on the international level. The seminar will be introduced by architect Seif Abo el-Naga, President of the Syndicate of Egyptian Architects.

The project was selected to become a finalist, and will compete for the award next November in Berlin, Germany. It is the only participating Egyptian project that has been designed by an Egyptian firm, and it is one of 13 projects to be selected from Africa. The project was designed by Oriental Group Architects and Amkena Studio.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Small Theater 30 Oct 2017 13:00 16:00 Lecture Open For Public