54 Rare Old Films (1896 - 1944).

"Exiting the Factory", France, 1896
"Arrival of a Train", France, 1897
"Card Party", France, 1896
“Kobelkoff”, France, 1900
“Danse Serpentine”, France, 1900
“Cyrano de Bergerac”, 1900
“La Marseillaise”, France, 1907
“Excelsior! - Prince of Magicians”, France, 1901
“The Talion Punishment”, France, 1906
“Kiriki, Japanese Acrobats”, France, 1907
“An Excursion to the Moon”, France, 1908
“The Automatic Moving Company”, France, 1911
“The Seine Flood”,France,1910
“Over the Top”, USA, 1915
“Montmarte's Kids”, France, 1916
“The Dirigible Los Angeles”, USA,1924



Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Auditorium 09 May 2010 19:00 22:00 Cinema Open For Public