54 Rare Old Films (1896 - 1944).

“In the Land of Giants and Pygmies”,1925
“Technicolor Fashion Parade”, USA,1927
“Charles A. Lindbergh, Hero of the Air”, USA,1927  
“The Fireman of the Follies-Bergere”,
France, 1928  
“Meet Me Down at Coney Isle”, USA,1932  
“A Visitor to Los Angeles”, USA,1916
“The Dancing Pig, France”,1907    
“The Monkey Race”, Italy,1909    
“I Fetch the Bread”, France,1907    
“Artheme Swallows his Clarinet”, France,1912    
“Kid's Auto Race”, USA, 1914    
“The Pest,USA, 1922    
“Lizzies of the Fields,USA,1924    


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Auditorium 10 May 2010 19:00 22:00 Cinema Open For Public