To honor the centennial of 1905, the Library of Alexandria is organizing a symposium in June 2005, the UNESCO declared "World Year of Physics (WYP)".

WYP is a worldwide celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday life. Physics, not only plays an important role in the development of science and technology, but it also has a tremendous impact on our society. WYP aims to raise the worldwide awareness of physics and physical sciences. This year gives us the opportunity to celebrate Einstein, his great ideas, his influence, and how he changed our view of ourselves, our world and the universe at large.

The Celebration at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina will take place from 4-6 June 2005, and will have three main events:

  • Public forum
    • Science and Society
    • Einstein - the man and the legacy
  • Scientific Symposium (closed sessions)
  • An exhibition.


The Symposium is honored by the presence of Nobel Laureates and world authorities.

For further information visit the event's website



Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Speakers Room 3 - 6 June 2005 09:00 20:00 Meeting Open For Public
Library B1 Speakers Room 3 - 6 June 2005 09:00 20:00 Meeting Open For Public
BACC Lecture Hall 04 Jun 2005 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Great Hall 4 - 6 June 2005 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Lecture Hall 05 Jun 2005 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Lecture Hall 06 Jun 2005 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public