Concurrent with the DNA Exhibition, and as part of a series of lectures tackling issues like Forensics, GM Food, Gene Therapy and ethical debates about cloning, the closing session hosts Dr. Julie Hill, former Director of Green Alliance, UK. The lecture will be held at 7:00 p.m in the Auditorium at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Dr Julie Hill is former Director of The Green Alliance, one of the UK's leading environmental policy organizations, for whom she has worked since 1985. She is now its Programme Advisor and manages the Biotechnology Programme. The Green Alliance has had a biotechnology programme since 1987, when we hosted a visit to the UK by US biotechnology campaigner Jeremy Rifkin. The Green Alliance played a leading role in lobbying for improvements to the genetic modification section of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Lecture Hall 26 Sep 2004 19:00 22:00 Lecture Open For Public